Graham- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Ken & Keith. You play 16 games out of division vs Steve, Gregg & Matt. You play 15 games vs Dave (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Bob (7 at home, 8 road) Ken- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Keith & Chris. You play 16 games out of division vs Dave, Gregg & Steve. You play 15 games vs Bob (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Matt (7 at home, 8 road) Keith - you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Chris & Greg. You play 16 games out of division vs Dave, Bob & Steve. You play 15 games vs Matt (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Gregg (7 at home, 8 road) Chris- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Greg & Graham. You play 16 games out of division vs Bob, Dave & Matt. You play 15 games vs Gregg (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Steve (7 at home, 8 road) Greg - you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Graham & Ken. You play 16 games out of division vs Gregg, Matt & Bob. You play 15 games vs Dave (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Steve (7 at home, 8 road) Dave- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Gregg & Matt. You play 16 games out of division vs Chris, Ken & Keith. You play 15 games vs Graham (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Greg (7 at home, 8 road) Gregg- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Matt & Bob. You play 16 games out of division vs Graham, Ken & Greg. You play 15 games vs Keith (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Chris (7 at home, 8 road) Matt- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Bob & Steve. You play 16 games out of division vs Graham, Chris & Greg. You play 15 games vs Ken (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Keith (7 at home, 8 road) Bob- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Steve & Dave. You play 16 games out of division vs Keith, Chris & Greg. You play 15 games vs Graham (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Ken (7 at home, 8 road) Steve- you play 21 games within your division and have the home edge vs Dave & Gregg. You play 16 games out of division vs Ken, Keith & Graham. You play 15 games vs Greg (8 at home, 7 road) and 15 games vs Chris (7 at home, 8 road)