How to get ATM working with APBA 5.75

1. Download the file, extract into a temp directory. Run the setup program which installs the application in Windows. On my system it is here: c:\Program Files (x86)\ATMgr. 5.02 is now installed.

2. Download file, extract into temp directory. There is just one file, ATMgr575.exe. Now you copy that file into the location above, c:\Program Files (x86)\ATMgr\. But you must rename it ATMgr.exe. This upgrades it from 5.02 to 5.75.

So there is no Setup program for 5.75, that's why you have to jump through these hoops. Now you can run the program from the Start Menu and if you go to the Help Menu there is documentation on how to get started with loading the various seasons into BBW. Each ATMgr season comes with a Help file as well.